Do I need to confess If I convert to the Catholic Church from a Protestant sect?
Cases of Conscience from The Casuist Necessity of General Confession for a Convert Rebaptized Sub Conditione Mr. N., a convert to the Catholic faith, was baptized, as a child, in the Lutheran Church. He is now 50 years of age. There exists reasonable doubt as to the validity of his baptism received in the Lutheran Church, and for this reason he is rebaptized, conditionally, on his reception into the Catholic Church. But now there arises this question: Must Mr. N. make a full confession of all the mortal sins he may have committed since his baptism as a Lutheran? Or may he be excused from making a full confession, because since his first baptism is doubtful, the sins committed after it are materia dubia for confession, and therefore need not necessarily be confessed? Would it not be sufficient for Mr. N. to confess a few sins, after his baptism as