Lord, we beseech Thee in the tenderness of Thy great mercy to have pity upon the souls of thy servants. Purge them from the defilements whereby they have been stained, and give them inheritance in everlasting salvation.
O God, who yearnest to save the souls of men and art eager to pardon, hear, we beseech Thee, the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all thy saints, and grant to our departed relatives and friends speedily to come unto repose without end and the blessed joys of heaven.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities, Lord, who shall stand it?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness; and by reason of Thy law I have waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all Thy faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins; that, through pious supplications, they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired. Who livest and reignest with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.
R. Amen.
The faithful who devoutly recite the 129th Psalm, “De Profundis”, or who say the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the versicle “Eternal Rest” in supplication for the faithful departed may gain:
An Indulgence of 3 years
An Indulgence of 5 years every day in November;
A Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions, if this pious practice is repeated daily for a month.(Raccolta 585)
1.- Beginning on, November 1st, at noon and continuing to Midnight, November, 2nd, the Catholic Faithful, as often as they visit a Church to pray for the death, reciting 6 times during the visit the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother the Church, may gain:
A Plenary Indulgence applicable only to the souls in purgatory. – This indulgence may also be gained from noon of the following Saturday until Sunday Midnight, but only those who did not gain the indulgence on All Souls’ Day.[1]
(Raccolta 590)
2.-The Faithful who during the period of 8 days from the commemoration of all souls inclusive, visit a cemetery in a spirit of piety and devotion and pray, even mentally for the death may gain:
A Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions on each day of the octave, applicable only to the faithful departed. [1]
[1] The usual conditions are listed below. Note that for this particular indulgence, it is necessary to also visit a Church and pray at least one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, for the intentions of the Church. One visit per each time one wishes to gain the plenary indulgence.( Reply from the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences – February 29, 1864)
3.- Those souls who make such a visit, and pray for the holy Souls, on any day of the year, may gain:
An Indulgence of 7 years, applicable only to the faithful departed.
(Raccolta 592)
4.-The faithful who recite prayers or perform other devout exercises in supplication for the faithful departed during the month of November, may gain:
An Indulgence of 3 years, once each day; A Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions, at the end of their 7 or 9 days of prayer.
(Raccolta 589)
5.-Those who during the afore said month, take part in public services held in a church or public oratory in intercession for the faithful departed may gain:
An Indulgence of 7 years, on each day of the month; A plenary Indulgence, if they attend these exercises on at least 15 days, and in addition go to confession, receive Holy Communion, and pray for the intentions of Holy Mother the Church
(Raccolta 589)
6.-The Faithful who devoutly offer prayers at any season of the year in intercession for the souls of the Faithful departed, with the intention of so continuing for 7 or 9 successive days may obtain:
(Raccolta 588)
All Masses that are celebrated at any altar by any Priest within the period of 8 days from the commemoration of All Souls Inclusive, enjoy the same privilege as if they were offered in a privileged altar, but only in favor of the soul for whom they are applied.
(Raccolta 591)
Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord;
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they Rest in Peace. Amen.
An Indulgence of 300 days, applicable only to the Holy Souls. (Raccolta 582)
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them Everlasting Rest.
An Indulgence of 300 days, applicable only to the Holy Souls. (Raccolta 583)
Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity.
Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my iniquity, and my sin is always before me.
To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before thee: that thou mayst be justified in thy words and mayst overcome when thou art judged.
For behold I was conceived in iniquities; and in sins did my mother conceive me.
For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me.
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.
To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice.
Turn away thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.
Create a clean heart in me, O God: and renew a right spirit within my bowels.
Cast me not away from thy face; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and strengthen me with a perfect spirit.
I will teach the unjust thy ways: and the wicked shall be converted to thee.
Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall extol thy justice.
O Lord, thou wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall declare thy praise.
For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would indeed have given it: with burnt offerings Thou wilt not be delighted.
A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit: a contrite and humbled heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good will with Sion; that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up.
Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations and whole burnt offerings: then shall they lay calves upon thy altar.
An Indulgence of 3 Years.
A Plenary Indulgence once a Month on the usual conditions, if this Sequence is recited daily in a spirit of Devotion.
Day of wrath and doom impending.
David’s word with Sibyl’s blending!
Heaven and earth in ashes ending!
O, what fear man’s bosom rendeth,
When from heav’n the Judge descendeth,
On whose sentence all dependeth!
Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth,
Through earth’s sepulchers it ringeth,
All before the throne it bringeth.
Death is struck, and nature quaking,
All creation is awaking,
To its Judge an answer making.
Lo! the book exactly worded,
Wherein all hath been recorded:
Thence shall judgments be awarded.
When the Judge his seat attaineth,
And each hidden deed arraigneth,
Nothing undisclos’d remaineth.
What shall I, frail man, be pleading?
Who for me be interceding,
When the just are mercy needing?
King of majesty tremendous,
Who dost free salvation send us,
Fount of pity then befriend us!
Think, kind Jesu! my salvation
Caused thy wondrous Incarnation;
Leave me not to reprobation.
Faint and weary thou hast sought me,
On the Cross of suff’ring bought me;
Shall such grace be vainly brought me?
Rightous Judge! for sin’s pollution
Grant thy gift of absolution,
Ere that day of retribution.
Guilty, now I pour my moaning,
All my shame with anguish owning:
Spare, O God, thy suppliant groaning!
Through the sinful woman shriven,
Through the dying thief forgiven,
Thou to me a hope hast given.
Worthless are my prayers and sighing,
Yet, good Lord, in grace complying,
Rescue me from night undying.
With thy sheep a place provide me,
From the goats afar divide me,
To thy right hand do thou guide me.
When the wicked are confounded,
Doom’d to shame and woe unbounded,
Call me, with thy Saints surrounded.
Low I kneel, with heart’s submission;
See, like ashes my contrition!
Help me in my last condition!
Ah! that day of tears and mourning!
From the dust of earth returning.
Man for judgement must prepare him:
Spare, O God, in mercy spare him!
Lord, all pitying, Jesus blest,
Grant them thine eternal rest. Amen.
An Indulgence of 3 Years.
A Plenary Indulgence once a Month on the usual conditions, if this Sequence is recited daily in a spirit of Devotion.
O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech Thee by the Precious Blood, which Thy Divine Son, Jesus shed in the Garden, deliver the souls in purgatory and especially that one which is the most forsaken of all, and bring it into Thy glory, where it may praise and bless Thee for ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Eternal rest….etc.
O Lord, God omnipotent, I beseech Thee by the Precious Blood which Thy Divine Son Jesus shed in His cruel scourging deliver the souls in purgatory, and among them all, especially that soul which is nearest to its entrance into Thy glory that it may soon begin to praise Thee and bless Thee for ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Eternal Rest…etc.
O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech Thee by the Precious Blood of Thy divine Son Jesus that was shed in His bitter crowning with thorns, deliver the souls in purgatory and among them all, particularly that soul which in the greatest need of our prayers, in order that it may not long be delayed in praising Thee in Thy glory and blessing Thee for ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Eternal Rest…etc.
O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech Thee by the Precious Blood of Thy divine Son Jesus, that was shed in the streets of Jerusalem, whilst He carried on His sacred shoulders the heavy burden of the Cross, deliver the souls in purgatory and especially that one which is richest in merits in Thy sight, so that having soon attained the high place in glory to which it is destined, it may praise Thee triumphantly and bless Thee for ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Eternal Rest…etc.
O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech Thee by the Precious Body and Blood of Thy divine Son Jesus, which He Himself on the night before His passion gave as meat and drink to His beloved Apostles and bequeathed to His holy Church to be the perpetual Sacrifice and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people, deliver the souls in Purgatory, but most of all, that soul which was most devoted to this Mystery of infinite love, in order that it may praise Thee therefor together with Thy divine Son and the Holy Ghost in Thy glory forever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Eternal Rest…etc.
O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech Thee by the Precious Blood which gushed forth from the sacred Side of Thy divine Son Jesus in the presence and to the great sorrow of His most holy Mother, deliver the souls in purgatory and among them all especially that soul which has been most devout to this noble Lady, that it may come quickly into they glory, there to praise Thee in her, and her in Thee through all the ages. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Eternal Rest…etc.
An Indulgence of 500 Days for each of these prayers (Raccolta 594)
Most loving Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that Thou wouldst Thyself offer to Thine eternal Father, on behalf of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Thy Most Precious Blood, which poured forth from the Sacred Wounds of Thine adorable Body, together with Thine agony and death.
And do thou likewise, O sorrowful Virgin Mary, present unto the Heavenly Father, together with the dolorous passion of thy dear Son, thine own sighs and tears, and all the sorrows thou didst suffer in His suffering, in order that, through the merits of the same, refreshment may be granted to the souls now suffering in the fiery torments of Purgatory, so that, being delivered from that painful prison, they may be clothed with glory in Heaven, there to sing the mercies of God for ever and ever.
Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin, that by Thy gracious assistance they may deserve to escape the judgment of vengeance and enjoy the blessedness of everlasting light.
V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. From the gates of hell,
R. Deliver their souls, O Lord.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
Let us pray.
O God, the creator and redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of your departed servants the remission of all their sins that through our prayers they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
Eternal Rest, etc.
An Indulgence of 3 years
A plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions if these prayers are said for a month. (Raccolta 595)
One Response
Please pray for the soul of Benjamin John Harper Emerson who passed away last February 13, 2021. Thank you so much and God bless. (Comment left by Jessie E.)