The Parallel Between Our Blessed Mother’s Messages as “Our Lady of Good Success” and “Our Lady of Fatima,” With Their Importance for Our Own Times

By Sr. Mary Agatha, CMRI Are the Warnings Given by Our Lady at Fatima the Same as Those She Delivered in Quito? Three hundred years before the Mother of God appeared at Fatima, her revelations as Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, Ecuador, foretold the widespread immorality and loss of faith that would sweep […]
In These Confusing Times, Faithfully Saying Our Rosary and Wearing Our Scapular Enables Us to Stay Close to Mary and Obtains the Salvation of Souls

A Sermon Preached by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI (Fall, 2016) In What Do the Prayers of the Rosary Consist and Where Do They Come From? The Rosary, also known as “Our Lady’s Psalter,” consists of a combination of three prayers; namely, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be. Since we offer […]
Reflecting on Our Lady of Fatima’s Messages to the Children and to Lucia as a Religious Sister

A Lecture delivered at the Fatima Conference, October 12, 2017 by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI Although most faithful Catholics are well aware of the story of the six apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917, not a great deal of attention is paid to the further apparitions to Lucia after she entered the […]
Striving to Make Jesus and Mary More Real to Ourselves Makes Our Love for Them Deeper and More Meaningful

A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI on August 23, 2009 Recognizing Our Lord and Our Lady as Real Persons Like Ourselves is a Great Blessing Venerable Brothers and Sisters, dear parishioners, I would like to speak to you today about the blessings hidden in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I gave a […]
Pius XII – Ad Caeli Reginam

An encyclical of Pius XII concerning the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary