The Mystery of the Holy Trinity in the Old Testament
By the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI (Winter 2008) How often we make the Sign of the Cross and invoke the Holy Trinity, and yet give little thought to the significance of the words which mark the beginning of all our prayers. Whenever we begin to pray, we invoke the Blessed Trinity, one God […]
Expecting Purgatory Can Be a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Purify Your Soul Now with the Fire of Divine Love
A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Bernard Uttley, OSB, on November 9, 2012 The entire month of November is dedicated to the remembrance of the poor suffering souls in Purgatory. As we know, the holy souls in Purgatory are completely unable to alleviate their sufferings in any way. But God, in His goodness and loving […]
Loving Reparation for Sin Consoles the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Francisco Radecki, CMRI(The Fatima Conference, October 10, 2013) Sin and the Need for Reparation Although millions today seriously offend God by their wicked lives, apathy, and indifference, there are still faithful souls throughout the world who console Him by a life of sacrificial love and perseverance in virtue. Imagine […]