The Documents of the Second Vatican Council

The Second Vatican Council, as is commonly known, proclaimed and enacted 16 documents, which are divided thus: 4 Constitutions 3 Declarations 9 Decrees. The difference between Constitutions, declarations, and decrees is the following: Constitutions: A Constitution has the highest level of authority. When enacted by the Pope, an Apostolic Constitution usually contains ecclesiastical law, permanently […]
Video Games – How Much is Too Much?

Video games are amazing. Especially with today’s ever advancing technology, it has become a true art form. The beauty of landscapes and the unbelievable amount of detail put into games is staggering. The fantastic story lines and cut scenes make it feel like you’re controlling a movie. But there’s a price to pay for all […]
Become a Brilliant Conversationalist

Have you ever suspected that your subjects of conversation emerge from the news you are shown by social media algorithms? Have you tried to avoid talking about gossip or the weather, only to find yourself helplessly drawn in when someone else focuses on them? Do you long for conversation that uplifts you, helps you love […]
The Greatness of a Woman

By “Adriana” 11th Grader from Mater Dei Academy. What makes a great woman? Who comes to mind? Many, when asked this question, think of a woman with a successful career: maybe a politician or someone who made great discoveries. Perhaps she was the first woman to succeed in her field. Still, who was the greatest […]