Jean Zuleger-Black Panther

I was intent on painting 3 large paintings of the big cats. I painted 4 before I got three, I liked. I didn’t like my bobcat and so somewhere it got lost! This is the 2nd one that I painted to give my best girlfriend for her wedding, sometime in the late 50s. Last year […]
The Paralytics Walk, The Blind Can See: A Visit to St. Anne de Beaupre Basilica

Dear readers, I have just returned from a month-long sojourn in the province of Quebec, Canada, to visit family. I have so many things to tell you about people and places, but today I want to spend a little bit of time telling you about our wonderful visit to a shrine dedicated to this channel’s […]
Tecla-The Immaculate Conception

THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Oil on Canvas 32 X 40 Fr. Francisco Radecki had a very poor rendition of Murillo’s Immaculate Conception. It hung in our social hall for several months. I made no comment since I didn’t want to offend him. Finally, one day he asked me what I thought of the painting. When I […]
Tecla-Pierced with Love

During the hectic days of raising my children, I forgot many things: dentist appointments, keys to my car, and where I put my daughter’s favorite sweatshirt! But I never forgot the moments of their birth, when they gazed at me for the first time. I was dizzy with love and often wondered if they felt […]