My Mother, too

My mother tooHe made you beMy mother tooI ask of theeI ask for guidanceI beg and pleadI ask in silenceMy every need My mother tooHe made you beMy mother tooI come to theeAmidst my tearsTo thee I bringAll my fearsIn everything My mother tooHe made you beMy mother tooYou care for meMy joy and sorrowYou […]
The Son’s Flower

I want to be a flower,But not just any kindI want to be a faithful one,The Son it goes to find. I want to follow HimThrough the night and day;For HIm I want to riseAnd serve in every way. I want to be a flower;I want to serve Him true.I want to follow HimIn everything […]
Charcoal Byrd-St. Catherine of Siena