Frank H (14 years old)

the Providence Lithograph Company, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
My Lord and my God!
I hath offended thee,
I hath scourged your divinity,
I hath dishonored the Holy Trinity!
And I alone, am the cause of our disunity!
Time and again I return to my sin,
To crucify you all over again!
When I break your commandments ten,
I shall become your enemy, then!
The law was set upon Sinai,
To restrain the sins of mankind,
But yet God looks down and sighs,
“Who dishonoreth me on high?”
In humble submission I say “It is I!”
My Lord! Heaven shineth so bright!
Surpassing all the darkness of night!
Forgive me, Lord, for my shameful flight,
And deliver me from my most terrible plight!
The price of sin is eternal desolation,
But the price of goodness is eternal adulation.
So deliver me please, O Lord, from this sinful nation
And take me instead to the haven of Salvation!
I hath seen my God, stripped in disgrace,
Covered in blood, with spittle upon his face,
To see in him his most pitiful gaze
Inspired in me a most stirring grace!
For thy mercy, O Lord, I shouldst praise thee with my every breath,
Allow me to serve and to love thee until my death!
From this present moment until I escape this exile of sin,
Allow me never to offend thee again!
One Response
SO Beautiful!!