The Nuptial Blessing: Its Beauty and Significance

The Nuptial Blessing: Its Beauty and Significance

(Fall, 2006) by Paula Storm The blessing bestowed upon the bride and groom during the Sacrament of Matrimony re-enacts the uniting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We read in the book of Genesis that “…God blessed them saying: “Increase and multiply…”1 When the priest bestows this blessing upon the couple, he […]

Flowers and their meanings: Beauty in Our Catholic Altars

Flowers and their meanings: Beauty in Our Catholic Altars

(Originally titled “Beautifying God’s House” by Barbara Day and Helen Abbenzeller) (Spring, 2007) Flowers for the Altar A biographer of the French priest Blessed Peter Favre once stated that when Adam and Eve were punished for their fall, God did not allow three things to change: the stars, flowers and the eyes of a child. […]

Is the Consecration Form for the Holy Eucharist in the New Mass Valid or Invalid?

Is the Consecration Form for the Holy Eucharist in the New Mass Valid or Invalid?

by Patrick Henry Omlor Adapted from his longer work of the same title (Summer, 2007) The Problems with the New Form of Consecration Defenders of the “short form” position hold that these first few words of the wine-consecration form in the Latin Rite, “This is the chalice of My Blood,” suffice for the valid consecration […]

The Popes and Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Popes and Our Lady of Guadalupe

(Fall, 2006) By Sr. Mary Agatha, CMRI The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a dear and familiar one to many Catholics today, but especially to those living in the Americas. It is most fitting, moreover, that her feast should fall in the month of December, because this miraculous image, which brings our Blessed […]

The Holy House of Loreto

The Holy House of Loreto

By Sister Mary Agatha, CMRI (Fall-Winter, 2007) “The Sanctuary of Loreto more than all other shrines of Mary is rightly and deservedly regarded as illustrious, and to Christ’s faithful it has been, for the last six centuries or so, the object of especial veneration and of highest honor, it being in fact the house in […]

Advent: Docility to God’s Grace

Advent: Docility to God’s Grace

A Sermon preached by Fr. Louis Kerfoot, CMRI on the Second Sunday of Advent (1998) My dear friends, today’s Gospel relates how St. John the Baptist, having been imprisoned for rebuking Herod for living with his brother’s wife, sent two of his disciples to ask Christ if He is the Messias: “Art Thou He Who […]

Is the Novus Ordo Missae Invalid?

Is the Novus Ordo Missae Invalid?

(Fall 1977)Reply to William Most’s Defense of the Novus Ordo The editor was asked to reply and comment on a series of articles written by William Most, S.J., defending the Novus Ordo Missae against objections. We have taken the liberty to publish portions of the reply in this issue, as it may well serve to […]

Do I need to confess If I convert to the Catholic Church from a Protestant sect?

Do I need to confess If I convert to the Catholic Church from a Protestant sect?

Cases of Conscience from The Casuist Necessity of General Confession for a Convert Rebaptized Sub Conditione Mr. N., a convert to the Catholic faith, was baptized, as a child, in the Lutheran Church. He is now 50 years of age. There exists reasonable doubt as to the validity of his baptism received in the Lutheran […]

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