“Mary, My Mother, Help Me Love My God; Help Me to Fight for Him and for Souls!”

“Mary, My Mother, Help Me Love My God; Help Me to Fight for Him and for Souls!”

by Rev. Fr. Eugen RisslingTranslated from the original German by a Marian Sister (Fall, 2015) Being Able to Invoke Mary as Our Mother in All Our Needs is a Great Blessing for Us (The following article pertains to a German prayer that may or may not be familiar to English-speaking Catholics; nevertheless, these reflec­tions can […]

The Precious Blood of Jesus is the Symbol for the Whole Mystery of Redemption

The Precious Blood of Jesus is the Symbol for the Whole Mystery of Redemption

A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Bernard Uttley, O.S.B., on June 29, 2014 My beloved people, this Tuesday is the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in popular piety the entire month of July is dedicated to the devotion of the Precious Blood. Although Our Lord’s entire Sacred Humanity […]

Loving Reparation for Sin Consoles the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Loving Reparation for Sin Consoles the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Francisco Radecki, CMRI(The Fatima Conference, October 10, 2013) Sin and the Need for Reparation Although millions today seriously offend God by their wicked lives, apathy, and indifference, there are still faithful souls throughout the world who console Him by a life of sacrificial love and persever­ance in virtue. Imagine […]

To Win Our Grateful Love: Reflections on the Sacred Heart Devotion

To Win Our Grateful Love: Reflections on the Sacred Heart Devotion

A Sermon Preached by Very Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI (Spring, 2016) My Dearly Beloved: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most beautiful, most rich, and most pro­found devotions that we have in the Catho­lic Church and it is absolutely theological and powerful in its meaning. Today as we celebrate […]

My Son is an Altar Boy… here are my thoughts.

My Son is an Altar Boy… here are my thoughts.

(Fall, 2006) by Mandy Drabick A Catholic mother’s life holds many joys, and without a doubt, one of the greatest is watching her son serve at the altar of God. A priest once told me that a mother could recognize her life to be a success when her children say, “I love you, Mom,” and […]

70 Years a Priest of God: Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D.

70 Years a Priest of God: Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D.

(Fall, 2006) Known as Frank Stepanich in his pre-Franciscan days, the future Father Martin was born on a farm near the small town of Neodesha in southeast Kansas on November 12, 1915. Grade school education at the nearby Brooks country school was followed by one year at Neodesha High School. Answering the call of God, […]

How to Make the Greatest Evil in Our Lives Our Greatest Happiness

How to Make the Greatest Evil in Our Lives Our Greatest Happiness

(Winter-Spring, 2006) by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan, O.P. (E.D.M.) Suffering is the great problem of human life. We all have to suffer. Sometimes small sorrows, sometimes greater ones fall to our share. We shall now tell our readers how to avoid much of this suffering, how to lessen all suffering and how to derive great benefits […]

The Nuptial Blessing: Its Beauty and Significance

The Nuptial Blessing: Its Beauty and Significance

(Fall, 2006) by Paula Storm The blessing bestowed upon the bride and groom during the Sacrament of Matrimony re-enacts the uniting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We read in the book of Genesis that “…God blessed them saying: “Increase and multiply…”1 When the priest bestows this blessing upon the couple, he […]

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