Why did the Holy Office Ban the Divine Mercy Devotion in 1959?

Coat of Arms of Cardinal Ottaviani

by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Summer, 2013) In a past issue of The Reign of Mary, we published an article on false devotions (issue #128). That article can also be read on our web site (http://www.cmri.org/articles-on-the-traditional-catholic-faith/false-devotions-dangers-for-pious-souls/). The point of the article was to explain the teachings of the Church on new devotions — teachings […]

Is Cremation an Option for Catholics?

Is Cremation an Option for Catholics?

(Fall, 1998)by Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI Earth burial has been an integral part of Western culture for at least 1500 years. Lately, however, cremation has become more and more common, to the point that even traditional Catholics may wonder whether it is a lawful means of disposing of the remains of the departed. As we […]

The Nuptial Blessing: Its Beauty and Significance

The Nuptial Blessing: Its Beauty and Significance

(Fall, 2006) by Paula Storm The blessing bestowed upon the bride and groom during the Sacrament of Matrimony re-enacts the uniting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We read in the book of Genesis that “…God blessed them saying: “Increase and multiply…”1 When the priest bestows this blessing upon the couple, he […]

The Holy House of Loreto

The Holy House of Loreto

By Sister Mary Agatha, CMRI (Fall-Winter, 2007) “The Sanctuary of Loreto more than all other shrines of Mary is rightly and deservedly regarded as illustrious, and to Christ’s faithful it has been, for the last six centuries or so, the object of especial veneration and of highest honor, it being in fact the house in […]

The Church Laws of Fast and Abstinence

What are the traditional laws of Fast and Abstinence? Why does the Church command the faithful to Fast? In our day and age we have lost the concept of penance and reparation. For this reason, it seems to some that the imposition of fasting and penance is something burdensome and not fitting our society. But […]

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