Baltimore Catechism - Lessons 1-4
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1 / 16
Explain how can we know by pure reason that God exists?
2 / 16
Why did God make us?
3 / 16
The existence of things cannot be explained unless one acknowledges the existence of God.
4 / 16
What three things must we do to gain the happiness in heaven?
5 / 16
What popular prayer or formula contains the chief truths taught by Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church?
6 / 16
Write down the Apostle's Creed
7 / 16
What do we mean when we say God is self-existing?
8 / 16
What are some of the perfections of God?
9 / 16
From whom do we learn how to know, love and serve God?
10 / 16
What is God's loving care for us called?
11 / 16
How many persons are there in God?
12 / 16
State which of the following statements is true.
13 / 16
are the two chief Creatures of God.
14 / 16
What happened with the angels after creation?
15 / 16
How do our guardian Angels help us?
16 / 16
Can we always resist temptation?
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