“I have reviewed many Holy Week manuals. This one is by far the most complete and useful for the proper realization of the Holy Week Liturgy”
Apostolic D. Cicognani
The Holy Week manual for Priests by Fr. Walter J. Schmitz gives Priests and Sacristans all the necessary information to understand, practice and prepare the ceremonies for the Holy Week promulgated by Pope Pius XII. We have reviewed and prepared for print, several manuals for Holy Week, and of all of them, we have determined this to be the best, more complete, and practical in the outline used and the order of the information provided.
From our experience in the Priesthood we have come to apreciate this book above all others for their conciseness and precision.
Having this manual suffices to properly understand the requirements of the liturgy during the Holy Week. Every traditional Catholic Priest should have this book as a part of his sacristy library.
“In your detailed explanation we see very graphically the exquisite beauty of the Holy Week ceremonies, which His Holiness,Pope Pius XII, desires us to appreciate more fully. His Encyclical,”Mediator Dei et hominum” (Nov. 20, 1947), will remain as the Magna Carta of those salutary norms which he established for the liturgy, for our acts of adoration and worship directed to God, and in particular for the participation of the faithful in the Divine Sacrifice. And now with the restored Holy Week Ordo the Holy Father gives us a precious lesson and another expression of his love for liturgy, always with the same final purpose, “ad Dei gloriam, christianorumque profectum”. The Holy Week will bring us closer to our Divine Saviour to relive with Him the glorious acts of the days of His passion, death and resurrection. That deeper insight into the ceremonies and spirit of Holy Week will be manifested by our faithful laity who will be very quick to realize that they are now a more integral part of this Great Week. Theirs will be a loving and affectionate participation, a participation that should be equally intense in every Mass celebrated and that is recalled by the symbolic mingling of water with the wine in the chalice.” “I have reviewed many Holy Week manuals. This one is by far the most complete and useful for the proper realization of the Holy Week Liturgy” Letter of the Apostolic Delegate Cicognani to the Author. VIRGO MATER PUBLICATIONS