"Multa in Populi Christiani mores rerum cursus induxit, patrum nostrorum inaudita temporibus; quae pernovisse hodie sacerdotem oportet, ut nova novis remedia malis in Jesu Christi virtute reperiat, et salutarem Religionis vim in omnes venas afferat humanae societatis"
Pius PP. XI
The subject of Moral Theology is of crucial importance to the Catholic Priesthood. Among the many works on the subject and special studies, it becomes particularly difficult to the student to find the doctrine necessary in a concise manner, and most importantly, adapted to the cultural and legal factors of the English-speaking countries.
In the work of Father Adelman, updated to follow the code of Canon Law of 1917, and the Roman Decrees up until 1958, the student and Priest will find a quick reference and clearly stated the common and safe doctrines of the Divines, to which Fr. Davis was a loyal tributary. A necessary book of reference for all Traditional Priests and Seminarians.