Christ the King

Christ the King

Type: English Hymn. Story: N/A Score (Click Here) Musescore File Click Here) Lyrics and Translation: King of Kings is He anointed;Let all men adore Him;Lord above all lords appointed;Let us bow before Him. Christ Who leads us,Christ Who loves us,Christ our Ruler from His birth, He shall triumph, He shall triumph, Over all the earth. […]

Who is She Ascends so High

Who is She Ascends so High

Type: English Hymn. Story: A Beautiful Hymn, taken from the Pius X Hymnal, to celebrate the feast of the Assumption. The last line of the original Hymn prays: “Now she sits with the sun”. Considering the lack of rhythm and the better meaning, the seminarians at Mater Dei changed it usually to be: “Now she […]

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