The Liturgy of Christmas: Excerpt From a 1994 Pastoral Letter by Bishop Pivarunas

by Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI Dearly Beloved in Christ, During this holy season of Christmas, our Holy Mother the Catholic Church celebrates in a singular and wonderful manner the joyous feast of the Nativity of her Divine Savior Jesus Christ. This can be readily seen in particular by the unique permission which is granted to […]
To Work for the Reign of the Sacred Heart, We Must First Fully Appreciate and Understand Holy Mass

Excerpts From a Conference Given by Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC, at a Benedictine Convent in April, 1944 The great Cardinal Mercier, a saintly man and a great theologian, used to say: “Give me a priest who fully appreciates the gift of his daily Mass, who relishes his Mass at the altar, never rushing, who lives […]