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Pope Pius XII Lauds the Large Family as a Testimony of the Truth of the Church’s Doctrine and the Soundness of Its Practice: Part III

Pope Pius XII Lauds the Large Family as a Testimony of the Truth of the Church’s Doctrine and the Soundness of Its Practice: Part III

An Address of Pope Pius XII to the Directors of the Associations for Large Families of Rome and of Italy* And now a few words on your third testimony — words that may give new strength to those who are fearful and bring you a little comfort. Large families are the most splendid flower-beds in the garden of the Church; happiness flowers in them and sanctity ripens in favorable soil. Every family group, even the smallest, was meant by God to be an oasis of spiritual peace. But there is a tremendous difference: where the number of children is not much more than one, that serene intimacy that gives value to life has a touch of melancholy or of pallor about it; it does not last as long, it may be more uncertain, it is often clouded by secret fears and remorse. Are Large Families Happier? It is very different

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Pope Pius XII Lauds the Large Family as a Testimony of the Truth of the Church’s Doctrine and the Soundness of Its Practice: Part III

Pope Pius XII Lauds The Large Family as a Testimony of the Truth of the Church’s Doctrine and the Soundness of its Practice: Part II

An Address of Pope Pius XII to the Directors of theAssociations for Large Families of Rome and of Italy, January 20, 1958* In the modern civil world a large family is usually, with good reason, looked upon as evidence of the fact that the Christian faith is being lived up to, for the selfishness that We just pointed out as the principal obstacle to an increase in the size of a family group cannot be successfully overcome without recourse to ethical and religious principles. In recent times we have seen how so-called “demographic politics” have failed to achieve any noteworthy results; it is easy to see why, for the individual interest will almost always win out over the collective pride and selfishness which this idea so often expresses, and the aims and methods of this policy debase the dignity of the family and the person by placing them on the

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Pope Pius XII Lauds the Large Family as a Testimony of the Truth of the Church’s Doctrine and the Soundness of Its Practice: Part III

Pope Pius XII Lauds the the Large Family as a testimony of the truth of the church’s doctrine and the soundness of its practice: Part I

An Address of Pope Pius XII to the Directors of theAssociations for Large Families of Rome and of Italy, January 20, 1958* Beloved sons and daughters, Officers and Representatives of the Associations for Large Families-of Rome and of Italy, this visit of yours has to be listed among those that bring deepest pleasure to Our heart. You are well aware of the lively interest We have in family life, of how We never miss an opportunity to point out its many-sided dignity, to reassert its rights and defend them, to inculcate the duties it involves — in a word, We make it a key-point of Our pastoral teaching. It is this same anxious interest in families that makes Us agree so readily to spend at least a few moments with family groups that come to Our home (whenever the duties of Our office do not make this impossible), and this

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Rosemond’s Bill of Rights for Children is a 10-Article counter-document to the UN’s Rights of the Child

Rosemond’s Bill of Rights for Children is a 10-Article counter-document to the UN’s Rights of the Child

(Winter-Spring, 2006) From John Rosemond’sTraditional Parent Web Site (August, 2005) Shouldn’t parents put their children’s happiness first? Article 1: Because it is the most character-building, two-letter word in the English language, children have the right to hear their parents say “No” at least three times a day. Article 2: Children have the right to find out early in their lives that their parents don’t exist to make them happy, but to offer them the opportunity to learn the skills they — children — will need to eventually make themselves happy. Being married is the hardest thing there is. Comparatively, raising children is a piece of cake. Folks who think raising children is hard are probably paying too much attention to their children and not enough to their marriages. John Rosemond on Twitter Article 3: Children have a right to scream all they want over the decisions their parents make, albeit

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