Pope Pius XII Lauds the Large Family as a Testimony of the Truth of the Church’s Doctrine and the Soundness of Its Practice: Part III
An Address of Pope Pius XII to the Directors of the Associations for Large Families of Rome and of Italy* And now a few words on your third testimony — words that may give new strength to those who are fearful and bring you a little comfort. Large families are the most splendid flower-beds in the garden of the Church; happiness flowers in them and sanctity ripens in favorable soil. Every family group, even the smallest, was meant by God to be an oasis of spiritual peace. But there is a tremendous difference: where the number of children is not much more than one, that serene intimacy that gives value to life has a touch of melancholy or of pallor about it; it does not last as long, it may be more uncertain, it is often clouded by secret fears and remorse. Are Large Families Happier? It is very different