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What is the role of the older women in the Church? Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI, explains and elaborates on this Bible instruction in this episode of The Christian Mother.

In Part 1, we discuss what was happening in the Church when St. Paul gave this instruction to Titus, the comparison to our times and the implications of the five points given specifically to the older women.

Then Father talks about the feminization of the Church since Vatican II and recommends an article he wrote for The Reign of Mary called “The Feminization of the Conciliar Church”. (See it Here)

Citing several supporting Scriptures, Father shows how God decreed that women should be subject to their husbands. We discuss the wonderful memorial letter (see it here) he wrote about his mom, and he shares the inspiring story of his grandparents’ establishing and keeping a Catholic home.

Next, Father explains the teaching in Proverbs 31 and highlights the most important parts and how his mother lived these teachings.

In Part II, we discuss solutions with a look back at traditions and organizations that were in place prior to Vatican II, when the older generation teaching and guiding the youth was the norm. Father discusses the important roles that retreats, Altar and Rosary Society, Confraternity of Christian Mothers, etc., played in promoting Godly women. He explains how today the opportunity of meeting with other Catholic women and building relationships is critically important. Father closes with encouragement for mothers.

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The Ten Commandments of a Christian Education.

Thou shalt, -when about to become a mother, restrain thy passions, and keep thyself in thought and affection. Closely united to God. Far be it from thee to nourish the being thou art soon to bring forth with the poisonous milk of unhallowed desires.Thou shalt look upon thy children not so much as thy own, as the children of God. This they have become through baptism. Thou shouldst deem it thy special and highest duty to rear them as His children in the way of perfection.Thou shalt pay particular attention to the first six years of childhood, since they are the most important in the matter of Christian education. Thou shalt not spoil thy first child, since the others will follow its example.Thou shalt not leave the religious education of thy children entirely to their spiritual directors and teachers. Thou shalt train them thyself in morals and doctrine which later

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