What factors contributed to Martin Luther’s eventual rebellion against the Church?

What factors contributed to Martin Luther’s eventual rebellion against the Church?

by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Fall, 2017) As Protestants around the world (and modernist heretics in the Vatican) celebrate this year the 500th anniversary of the Protestant revolt against the Catholic Church, it behooves us Catholics to re-examine the life and teachings of the apostate monk who began the so-called “Reformation.” Just who was […]

Why Fasting and Doing Penance are Vital for Salvation

Why Fasting and Doing Penance are Vital for Salvation

by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Winter, 2018) Why Did the Apostles Not Fast While Jesus Was With Them? When Did They Begin the Holy Practice? One day the disciples of St. John the Baptist came to Jesus and asked why His disciples did not fast. They pointed out that they and the Pharisees often […]

Fr. Eusebio Francisco Kino, SJ, gave his all for souls of the American Southwest

Fr. Eusebio Francisco Kino, SJ, gave his all for souls of the American Southwest

by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Summer, 2017) The devoted sons of several religious orders were the predominant early missionaries of the territory which later became the United States. These great religious families were the Franciscans, the Dominicans and the Jesuits. Among the latter religious, we are all familiar with the eight Jesuit martyrs of […]

The Three Magi are Our Model for Persevering in Faith to the End

The Three Magi are Our Model for Persevering in Faith to the End

A Sermon preached on January 6, 2013, by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI My dearly beloved in Christ, today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, which is a very important, high-ranking feast in the Church year. Usually, the Feast of the Epiphany falls on a weekday, and so the faithful are not all present […]

Why did the Holy Office Ban the Divine Mercy Devotion in 1959?

Coat of Arms of Cardinal Ottaviani

by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Summer, 2013) In a past issue of The Reign of Mary, we published an article on false devotions (issue #128). That article can also be read on our web site (http://www.cmri.org/articles-on-the-traditional-catholic-faith/false-devotions-dangers-for-pious-souls/). The point of the article was to explain the teachings of the Church on new devotions — teachings […]

Is Cremation an Option for Catholics?

Is Cremation an Option for Catholics?

(Fall, 1998)by Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI Earth burial has been an integral part of Western culture for at least 1500 years. Lately, however, cremation has become more and more common, to the point that even traditional Catholics may wonder whether it is a lawful means of disposing of the remains of the departed. As we […]

Whole and Undefiled We Must Maintain the Integrity of the Catholic Faith

Whole and Undefiled We Must Maintain the Integrity of the Catholic Faith

(Original Title: Whole and Undefiled We Must Maintain the Integrity of the Catholic Faith) Regular readers of our magazine are aware of the fact that we have frequently pointed out the errors of the so-called “Recognize and Resist” theological position — often simply referred to as R&R. The reason for our repeated warnings is because […]

The True Role of Women in God’s Plan.

The True Role of Women in God’s Plan.

by Rev. Father M. Benedict Hughes, CMRI(This article originally appeared as “The Feminization of the Conciliar Church in “The Reign of Mary”) As a young priest I was assigned to travel on lecture tours throughout the United States, speaking about the situation in the Church and the message of Fatima. The goal was to alert […]

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