The Precious Blood of Jesus is the Symbol for the Whole Mystery of Redemption

A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Bernard Uttley, O.S.B., on June 29, 2014 My beloved people, this Tuesday is the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in popular piety the entire month of July is dedicated to the devotion of the Precious Blood. Although Our Lord’s entire Sacred Humanity […]

Loving Reparation for Sin Consoles the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Francisco Radecki, CMRI(The Fatima Conference, October 10, 2013) Sin and the Need for Reparation Although millions today seriously offend God by their wicked lives, apathy, and indifference, there are still faithful souls throughout the world who console Him by a life of sacrificial love and persever­ance in virtue. Imagine […]

Advent: Docility to God’s Grace

A Sermon preached by Fr. Louis Kerfoot, CMRI on the Second Sunday of Advent (1998) My dear friends, today’s Gospel relates how St. John the Baptist, having been imprisoned for rebuking Herod for living with his brother’s wife, sent two of his disciples to ask Christ if He is the Messias: “Art Thou He Who […]

On Devotion to the Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary-Respice Stellam Copyright TCW

My dear friends, today, finding ourselves in the midst of the Month of May, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, I wish to speak to you of the Virgin Mary. If we have been talking about happiness and joy during this Easter season, there can be hardly any topic as joyful […]

Sunday Sermon for First Communion

“As the deer long for the springs of water, so my soul longs for you, oh God.”  The first words, my friends, of Psalm 41. Words that are very fitting for the occasion which we celebrate today, two young children receiving our Lord Jesus Christ for the first time in Holy Communion. And my dear […]

On the Most Holy Family

Epistle from the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the ColossiansCol 3:12-17Brethren: Put on, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience. Bear with one another and forgive one another, if anyone has a grievance against any other; even as the Lord has forgiven you, so also […]

Sermon on St. Stephen

My dear friends, today we celebrate a great Saint in the Catholic Church. St. Stephen is called the “Protomartyr” which means the first Martyr ever. He was the first Saint who had sacred orders, the first Saint to die while seeing our Lord Jesus Christ, and sort of an ambassador, or a scout, who showed […]

On Christmas Night

My dear friends, tonight, lets us go back with our minds to that night, a little over two thousand years ago, when The Virgin Mary, and her Husband the chaste Joseph, where looking for shelter. Imagine this little town, in the middle of Palestine, crowded with people, where most of them lived perhaps, in what […]

4th Sunday of Advent -The Presence of Jesus and My soul as the manger.

My dear friends: Suppose that you are at your work, or daily chores, and suddenly, you feel a certain tremor go up your spine. A sense of something supernatural takes place, and your souls naturally fears the unknown, and as you look back, you see a presence from heaven, an Angel, that tells you that […]

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