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St. Joseph and Mary Bethrotal

What is Marriage when considered as a Vocation?

(Originally titled: The Marriage Vocation Is a Calling – Spring-Summer, 2006) by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI A vocation can be compared to the mainspring on a watch. When the mainspring is constructed carefully, it operates correctly, thereby allowing the gears to mesh properly so that the watch keeps time and fulfills its function. If a mainspring is inferior from the beginning, or is put together without great thought or precision, it eventually breaks, leaving the watch in a worthless and dysfunctional state. In order to insure the most solid foundation for a vocation, we must pray in order to discover God’s particular will for us. God calls each soul to a particular state in life which will lead to his highest measure of happiness in this life and in eternity. A person may be called to the religious life, the married state, or the single state. All three vocations

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Reclaiming Your Life from The Phone: Drastic Measures

Are We All Addicted? We all know the feeling: You’ve been vegged out in social media land for an hour, just rotting into the couch, when you finally look up, only to realize that you just wasted an entire hour of your life and now you feel physically sick and mentally drained and really want to take a nap. Digital addiction is a real phenomenon. Everyone has their phone as their constant pocket companion. Studies on cell phone addiction show that around 66% to 75% of people are addicted to their phones. I am no different. I got my smartphone in December of 2018 during my first semester at Lake Area Tech. I was a flip phone guy in high school and felt some disdain towards my friends, who all were very endeared to their phones. I felt that since I was a few years older than they were when

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Submitted by Nicholas V. As Catholics we are especially aware of the immorality that surrounds us in our modern-day lives. We are not surprised by the atrocious offenses that take place in our workplaces, schools, and worst; our homes. Our once vigilant eyes grow weary yet our Lord yearns for our attention. Do we ever stop and wonder how we got here; what exactly are the tools that the devil uses to weaken our wills? That is my goal here, to outline and exemplify the habits that pervade our lives in the hopes that we can better understand, and therefore thwart the devil in his path. We must actively engage in acts of faith, hope, and charity to curb our addictive natures. “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” – George Orwell 1984 As humans we are

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Video Games – How Much is Too Much?

Video games are amazing. Especially with today’s ever advancing technology, it has become a true art form. The beauty of landscapes and the unbelievable amount of detail put into games is staggering. The fantastic story lines and cut scenes make it feel like you’re controlling a movie. But there’s a price to pay for all that awesomeness. This cultural staple has become a major obstacle for young people, but for men in particular.   A study was done in 2020 by Sarah Coyne, a human development professor at BYU. She followed 385 teens over 6 years and tracked their development in relation to gaming. About 10% (38.5) of teens showed pathological gaming symptoms. (Pathological basically means something is not normal, indicating a mental disease, and or obsessive/compulsive behavior.) So, if we extrapolate that to 1000 teens, about 100 of them will be video game addicts. “Of 1000 teens, about 100 will

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