Spirituality: How to avoid sins of the tongue

Eugene de Blaas, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

For Confraternity Readers: Servus Mariae “Servus Mariae Nunquam Peribit” by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI (Summer, 2017) In the book of Proverbs, we read: “In the multitude of words there shall not want sin” (Proverbs 10:19). Sins of speech are prevalent and many people simply talk too much. St. Francis de Sales advises us to […]

Connoisseur Kids a manual for manners

Good mother with children

“Connoisseur Kids” A manual for manners “God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food,” we first graders recited with Miss McIntosh at our public elementary school. Then she lined us up boy, girl, boy girl, and we proceeded to the cafeteria. All the girls wore dresses, so it was easy […]

Chapter Meeting: Forging the Links of a Circle of Friends

Nine eager ladies converged on Our Lady of Fatima Chapel in Chelsea, OK, on the First Saturday of December, to attend Mass and participate in the first meeting of their newly-organized chapter of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers. Invigorated by the sacraments, they retreated to the hall for a delightful brunch with gracious helpings of […]

On the Christian Training of Children-Early Ages

On the Christian Training of Children – Early Ages Taken from the Book “Mother’s Love” 1951 Edition. As soon as the Christian Mother becomes aware that a new be­ing has been engendered in her womb through the power of God, she should immediately offer it up to God, and again and again commend it to […]

The Confraternity of Christian Mothers

What is the Confraternity of Christian Mothers? The Confraternity of Christian Mothers appeals to the family, and especially to the mothers. These, above all, it desires to sanctify by frequent and regular prayers in common with thousands of their own condition and vocation, by talks and discussions, by the frequentation of the Sacraments, by the […]

Statutes of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers

STATUTES OF THE CONFRATERNITY As found in the book “Mother’s Love” 1951 Edition. The statutes of a Confraternity of Christian Mothers may be either general or special. General statutes are enacted by the Archconfraternity, and their gen­eral acceptance is advisable and recom­mended, in order to secure a certain uni­formity in the direction, regulation, life and […]

Advantages of Joining the Confraternity of Christian Mothers

ADVANTAGES OF JOINING THE CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN MOTHERS As found in the book “Mother’s Love” 1951 Edition. One of the special advantages in membership is the actual presence of our Divine Lord with His graces. For this we have His own sacred promise: “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am […]

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