Statutes of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers


As found in the book “Mother’s Love” 1951 Edition.

The statutes of a Confraternity of Christian Mothers may be either general or special. General statutes are enacted by the Archconfraternity, and their gen­eral acceptance is advisable and recom­mended, in order to secure a certain uni­formity in the direction, regulation, life and work of the Confraternity.

General Statutes

  1. Any reputable, pious Catholic wom­an, married or widow, though she has no children, can be admitted, provided she seriously intends to promote the aims of the Confraternity, especially that of the Christian Home Education of children, and to comply with its statutes.

  2. Such as wish to be enrolled must be admitted by the Director, or his lawful representative, who will enter their Chris­tian and family names in the register of the Confraternity. It is advisable also to enter their place of residence.

  3. Members must be extremely solici­tous to educate their children according to the principles of the Gospel.

  4. Every day they should recite the Daily Prayer to the Patrons of the Con­fraternity, to which others may be added, as the tutelar saint of the parish and the special patrons of the mother.

  5. They should cherish a special love for one another; every month they should offer Holy Communion for the associates, or if this cannot conveniently be done, they should attend Holy Mass, receive Communion spiritually, and offer them up for the same intention. They should also in other ways, as opportunities present themselves, assist one another.

  6. Several times a year, and wherever feasible every month, the members should assemble on the day and at the hour ap­pointed by the Director, to listen to a conference adapted to the end of the Con­fraternity, and to offer up prayers for their children and families. For such in­tentions of the members as have been specially recommended, prayers are said in common.

  7. On the day of meeting Holy Mass should be said for the intentions of the associates, at which all who can should receive Holy Communion.

  8. Twice a year a general Communion should be held, on the principal feast of the Confraternity, and on such other day as the Director will appoint.

  9. The Director of the whole Confra­ternity is the Director appointed by the Bishop. The Director will appoint the lady President and the lady Vice-Presi­dent for a term of three years. To direct and manage larger Confraternities the better, they are divided into sections pre­sided over by a lady Prefect and a lady Assistant Prefect. They are also to be appointed by the Director, and to be changed from time to time at his dis­creation The officials of the Confraternity shall give an edifying example to all the associates; they shall see that the mem­bers of their charge attend the meetings and conduct themselves in a manner be­coming a Christian mother; they shall visit and comfort the sick, and support them as much as lies in their power, be­ing especially solicitous about a happy death. All matters of greater importance are to be referred to the Director.

  10. When an associate has departed this life, prayers and good works shall immediately be offered by the associates, and as soon as possible a Requiem Mass shall be said. All who are able to do so should be present at the funeral services. Within the seven days following All Souls Day a Requiem Mass should be sung for all the departed members. The deceased members and their children are forever recommended to the hearts and prayers and merits of the associates.

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One Response

  1. To whom it may concern,

    My name is Fr. Stephen Arabadjis. I am a member of the Society of St. Pius X. But I am in my 7th year of Sabbatical.
    Therefore I was hoping your group could do a 54 day rosary novena for my intentions. But any prayers and sacrifices would be greatly appreciated. I know Our Lady will reward you generously for this.

    In Our Lady,
    Fr. Arabadjis

    P.S. Thanking you in advance, since I don’t always get all my communications.

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