While I’m writing this, I think of how silly I feel doing so. I think of how this should be easy. I’ve written pieces before, good pieces, pieces I’m proud of, unimportant, fact filled, no personality pieces. This though, this will be read by my peers and by people I know personally, by people I talk to and see regularly. That’s the scary part. I find comfort knowing I’m not writing for them. I’m writing for Him – to give Him glory. He works in mysterious ways and exactly when you need Him.
I needed Him, I don’t think I knew I did, in April of 2021 when Fr. Zepeda reached out and asked if I wanted to be a part of this project. I immediately agreed to come on board. Not because I can’t say no to a project that seems like a challenge, but because I think that what The Catholic Wire is trying to accomplish is incredibly important.
The Catholic Wire has made a platform for Catholics to be able to share good, wholesome, God centered-content, something we don’t get in our normal day-to-day lives as Catholics in today’s world. So far it’s been a gift from God to be able to say that I am a part of this network.
As a young Catholic woman today, I strive to reach heaven in the end. To get there though, not only do I need to keep my Faith and foster relationships with God, His Mother and the saints, but also do His Will to the best of my abilities. Sometimes His Will is clouded and unclear or scary and hard.
Society doesn’t make it any easier when all it has to offer is unsavory content for consumption. We, as young women, are told by today’s world we are equal, no greater, than men. We aren’t. Modern feminism takes all beauty away from femininity. It tells us we should be ashamed of it. Modern feminism is telling you to be masculine. Modern feminism doesn’t tell you that a woman is strong yet gentle, creative and wise, a helper, not subordinate to the men in her life. It tells you that you are better than men, that you don’t need them, that you’re better off without them.
My hopes in this podcast are that I can offer clean and inspiring content for the greater glory of God. I hope to be able to do accurate, informative, and interesting episodes for Catholic young women today. I hope to do God’s Will and do it well. I want to support and be a part of a place for Catholics to share their creative work. I pray that by doing this I can be a vessel for Our Lord and His Mother.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
Isabel Martinez