The Project of The Catholic School
What is the Idea behind this project? The challenge of providing Catholic education to our youth is no doubt always present in our days. Our schools are few, (we assume that our readers do not consider as Catholic the schools which, although boasting the title, teach modernist, liberal, and immoral doctrines, such as are many today in America and elsewhere) understaffed, and struggling with a lack of budget, but most importantly time. It is beautiful however to witness how even in these times of difficulties the goodwill, desire and drive to promote Catholic education and to sacrifice for this goal, makes it self present and felt, especially in religious vocations throughout the Congregations we support and others. Many parents have opted for the option of Home Schooling, which seems in some cases like the only way to preserve children from a poor and even perverse education in other places; but when they face this chore for the first time, it seems like running into a stone wall; immediately the question comes: “Where do I begin?” Lack of material, lack of time, and if one adds to that the multiple occupations of a household or daily job… homeschooling becomes impossible, or