Baltimore Catechism Lessons 5-9

Baltimore Catechism Lessons 5-8

Quiz for The Lessons 5 through 9 of the Baltimore Catechism 3

1 / 16

What is Man?

2 / 16

Select three qualities that the soul has, which make it be like God

3 / 16

Mark some of the gifts God originally bestowed upon Adam and Eve.

4 / 16

What was the main nature of Adam and Eve’s sin?

5 / 16

What is the sin committed by Adam and Eve called, and how does it come down to us?

6 / 16

Mark the punishments that fell upon humanity after Original Sin

(Lesson 6, Q. 64)

7 / 16

Name at least three ways in which one may commit actual sin.

8 / 16

What three things must concur for a sin to be mortal?

9 / 16

In your own words, what is the difference between a mortal and venial sin?

10 / 16

Name the seven Capital sins

11 / 16

There is a grave obligation (that is, under mortal sin) to avoid the near occasion of sin.

12 / 16

If circumstances for us into a near occasion of sin, we are obliged to make use of the necessary safeguards, such as prayer, and the frequent reception of the sacraments.

13 / 16

What is the chief teaching of the Church regarding our Lord Jesus Christ?

14 / 16

Mark the statement which is true

15 / 16

Mark the statements that are true

16 / 16

Explain with your own words why was it necessary that Jesus Christ was both God and Man to redeem us

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