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How to prepare for General Confession

What is a general confession? A general confession consists in repeating the confessions done in the past, with the purpose of attaining more graces and preparing for some significant event in one’s life. How can I prepare for a General Confession? To prepare for it, these are some good recommendations: It is also good to remember: What is necessary for a Confession to be fruitful? From all these points, you will want to focus particularly on Contrition and Resolution, since, the more intense these acts, the more graces you will receive when you go to confession. It might be fitting here, to go over the qualities of a good act of Contrition: What are the qualities of a good act of Contrition? For a further explanation, listen to our Podcast Episode! And don’t forget, if you have further questions, or requests for topics to be covered, reach out to us,

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