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The Podcast

What is the role of the older women in the Church? Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI, explains and elaborates on this Bible instruction in this episode of The Christian Mother.

In Part 1, we discuss what was happening in the Church when St. Paul gave this instruction to Titus, the comparison to our times and the implications of the five points given specifically to the older women.

Then Father talks about the feminization of the Church since Vatican II and recommends an article he wrote for The Reign of Mary called “The Feminization of the Conciliar Church”. (See it Here)

Citing several supporting Scriptures, Father shows how God decreed that women should be subject to their husbands. We discuss the wonderful memorial letter (see it here) he wrote about his mom, and he shares the inspiring story of his grandparents’ establishing and keeping a Catholic home.

Next, Father explains the teaching in Proverbs 31 and highlights the most important parts and how his mother lived these teachings.

In Part II, we discuss solutions with a look back at traditions and organizations that were in place prior to Vatican II, when the older generation teaching and guiding the youth was the norm. Father discusses the important roles that retreats, Altar and Rosary Society, Confraternity of Christian Mothers, etc., played in promoting Godly women. He explains how today the opportunity of meeting with other Catholic women and building relationships is critically important. Father closes with encouragement for mothers.

The Blog

Statutes of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers

STATUTES OF THE CONFRATERNITY As found in the book “Mother’s Love” 1951 Edition. The statutes of a Confraternity of Christian Mothers may be either general or special. General statutes are enacted by the Archconfraternity, and their gen­eral acceptance is advisable and recom­mended, in order to secure a certain uni­formity in the direction, regulation, life and work of the Confraternity. General Statutes Any reputable, pious Catholic wom­an, married or widow, though she has no children, can be admitted, provided she seriously intends to promote the aims of the Confraternity, especially that of the Christian Home Education of children, and to comply with its statutes. Such as wish to be enrolled must be admitted by the Director, or his lawful representative, who will enter their Chris­tian and family names in the register of the Confraternity. It is advisable also to enter their place of residence. Members must be extremely solici­tous to educate

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Advantages of Joining the Confraternity of Christian Mothers

ADVANTAGES OF JOINING THE CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN MOTHERS As found in the book “Mother’s Love” 1951 Edition. One of the special advantages in membership is the actual presence of our Divine Lord with His graces. For this we have His own sacred promise: “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 Tweet Hence flow innumerable graces to the members; for where Jesus tarries, there does He dispense His favors, and wherever He is present by special invitation His graces are more profusely lavished. These many and powerful graces will descend chiefly upon the prayers and good works performed by the members in obedience to the rules of the Confraternity and the guidance of its Director. For this, too, we have our Savior’s own words. He says: “If two of you shall agree upon earth concerning anything, whatsoever they

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The Christian

Remember, Christian Mother

You and your children should this day: Serve God by keeping His Commandments, Imitate Christ by keeping the Christian Virtues, Honor and invoke the angels and saints, Save a soul, Avoid hell, Gain Heaven, Slight transitory things, Expiate sins, Subdue evil inclinations, Perform good works, Edify your neighbor and, Perhaps you must die today and stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Advice from Fr. Casimir Puskorius to attendees of a Ladies Retreat at Mt. St. Michael’s: There is a plan, and God has made it known to us. He wants us to have a life of grace and increase it as much as we can. We have to overcome sin and positively love God. It is not enough to say, “I don’t have any weeds in my garden.” You have to plant flowers.

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The Paralytics Walk, The Blind Can See: A Visit to St. Anne de Beaupre Basilica

Dear readers, I have just returned from a month-long sojourn in the province of Quebec, Canada, to visit family. I have so many things to tell you about people and places, but today I want to spend a little bit of time telling you about our wonderful visit to a shrine dedicated to this channel’s patron, the glorious grandmother of our Savior, St. Anne. We arrived at St.-Anne-de-Beaupre Basilica and Shrine on a gorgeous October Saturday morning. (Beaupre is two French words joined together to mean beautiful prairie or meadow.) Located about 20 miles north of Quebec City, the basilica’s length parallels the St. Lawrence River. My first glimpse of the imposing structure was from our hotel parking lot, and she seemed to beckon to us, queenlike, to leave the tawdry commercial establishments along the highway and be received into her royal presence. I could not help but think as

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Women Are Being Canceled: A Call to Arms

Recently the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has begun referring to pregnant women as “pregnant people”, because you know, in this age of “gender fluidity”, anyone can be pregnant. It’s laughable, of course, but what can we do about it? Protest in the streets? Call our representatives in Congress? Sign a petition? Rant on Facebook? No, no, no. And no. First, we have to realize that we are at war, and we are losing because we abandoned the field to the enemy, kind of like the recent thing in Afghanistan. We gave up our dresses and started wearing pants. And the enemy scooped up those discarded dresses gleefully and started taunting us with them, just like the Taliban does with American machine guns and helicopters. But it’s not too late to turn this battle around. Why? Because if you go to any public restroom, the sign on the door for

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Become a Brilliant Conversationalist

Have you ever suspected that your subjects of conversation emerge from the news you are shown by social media algorithms? Have you tried to avoid talking about gossip or the weather, only to find yourself helplessly drawn in when someone else focuses on them? Do you long for conversation that uplifts you, helps you love and edify your neighbor, and entices you to learn more about a particular topic?  If the answer is yes, the marvelous Miss Ethel Cotton developed the solution for you decades ago.  Her book, The Ethel Cotton Course in Conversation,  provides a thorough education in how to prepare yourself to converse pleasantly and intelligently. (The book is out of print but available on sites like Ebay.) If you’re like me, you may get a delightful thrill just reading the author’s name. Doesn’t it sound deliciously prim and proper? I absolutely adore imagining Miss Cotton standing before

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The Christian Mother

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