Sedevacantism: A Brief Explanation
by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas The following article was originally written in 1992, yet it has never before been printed in The Reign of Mary. This brief article is an excellent synopsis of the reasons why so many traditional Catholics have concluded that the Chair of Peter is vacant today. Although it was written during […]
Fiducia Supplicans – Want it or Not, the Approval of Homosexuality.
By Fr. Carlos Zepeda It wasn’t too long ago that we were recording a podcast denouncing the scandal caused by the Vatican with the approval of so-called transgenders for Baptism and to function as sponsors. In that podcast, we stated that it was only a matter of time, perhaps a few months or a couple […]
Should Devotees of St. Joseph Be Happy About the Insertion of His Name in the Canon of the Mass?
(Spring 1972)by Howard J. Earp “THE MASS”: It is the Mass that matters; lt is the Mass that is the heart of our Catholic Faith. The Catholic religion rises and falls with this, its central act of worship. If the meaning of the Mass were to change, the religion would change. The Modernists did not […]
Whole and Undefiled We Must Maintain the Integrity of the Catholic Faith
(Original Title: Whole and Undefiled We Must Maintain the Integrity of the Catholic Faith) Regular readers of our magazine are aware of the fact that we have frequently pointed out the errors of the so-called “Recognize and Resist” theological position — often simply referred to as R&R. The reason for our repeated warnings is because […]
The Crisis in the Church
It is clear for most people today, that what most of them call “The Catholic Church” is as a matter of fact greatly divided and going through a crisis, in matters of faith, morals, and discipline. For many, this has become evident particularly during the rule of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Scandals have arisen in the […]
The Documents of the Second Vatican Council
The Second Vatican Council, as is commonly known, proclaimed and enacted 16 documents, which are divided thus: 4 Constitutions 3 Declarations 9 Decrees. The difference between Constitutions, declarations, and decrees is the following: Constitutions: A Constitution has the highest level of authority. When enacted by the Pope, an Apostolic Constitution usually contains ecclesiastical law, permanently […]
The Catholic Wire- Back to the Faith 1-Carol.
On this our first recording, Carol tells us about her struggles through the changes that came about in the Church, and how she came to find a Priest who still said the Latin Mass, and kept the true faith. After that, she would always stay where the true Sacraments, and the Church of 2000 years […]
As I have warned in the page treating with the 16 documents of the Second Vatican Council, the reader will find many orthodox quotes, and texts throughout this paper. However, interpolated among these, he will find one or two heretical propositions, or recommendations against faith and morals. Such terrible instances, even if brief, suffice to […]