On the 6th Sunday After Epiphany
Homily By fr. Carlos Zepeda. today I would like to talk about our daily prayers. But I would like to begin by telling you of the Prophet Daniel. But before I begin, I would like to bring back to our minds, that this story is not just a tale, it is a historical fact. In the last sermon we mentioned the first destruction of Jerusalem. When the Jews, about 3000 years ago, committed idolatry and apostatized from the true faith, God as a punishment allowed the pagan peoples, particularly the Babylonians, to come and destroy Jerusalem and the Temple. Many Jews were killed, and the ones remaining were deported, that is, they were brought to Babylon, or to other pagan nations. Among these Jews were four young men, who were of good manners, pius and exemplary. One of these was Daniel. Now, it was a custom among the Babylonians, to